
Valeria Lukyanova !!! It's a real person or a Barbie?! Amazing!!! :

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Real life Barbie Valeria Lukyanova has found herself a twin and now both intend to take America by storm.
Valeria caused an internet sensation - but also deep concern - when her cosmetically-enhanced looks turned her into a living doll.
Now she is joined by 24-year-old 'Dominica' - real name Olga Oleynik - who also owes her shape and image to the surgeon's knife.

Fotos: La 'Barbie' Valeria Lukyanova encuentra a su 'hermana espiritual'

'We met on the internet five years ago,' said Valeria, explaining that both come from the Ukrainian city of Odessa.
'We were curious about our similarities. We had the same hairstyle, make-up, and even dressed in a similar way. Our friends were sure that we were blood sisters.
'We are really sisters - but only in spiritual way. We have the same outlook and lifestyle.'